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TV’s by size

This is the parent category for all working displays, it might contain some props, but its should be primarily working things.

VHS Combo CRT Televisions

VHS Combo CRT Televisions

1990's - 2000's All in one ( combo unit ) 3 options: !!!! 30 FR ONLY !!!!

DIT Cart / Video Village

Monitors work

25 Inch Zenith System3 Space Command Wood Grain Console

Barco Rigged for reliability 24/30 frame BNC INPUT

LG 65UN70 4K IPS Television

Dims: 57.48” x 33.23” x 3.38” PANEL Display TypeReal 4K IPS Display Display Resolution 4K Ultra HD (3,840 x 2,160)…

JCPenney 685 19″ TV

1985 JCPenney 685 19" TV RF Only 24/30 frame 24"W x 17"H x 18"D

Sourcingbay 12″

Sourcingbay 12" LCD Monitor VGA input, RF input 4x2 aspect ratio 12.25" W x 10.75"H

Hitachi CW-238 12″ TV

1978 24 / 30 frame RF Only 16"W x 12"H x 16"D 26 lbs

RCA F25442 25 inch

2001 RCA F25442 25" TV 24.75"W x 22"H x 20"D 75 lbs Composite and RF input 24/30 frames

Sharp 19NP48 19″

1988 Sharp 19NP48 19" RF only 22.25"W x 17"H x 18.25"D

Hitachi I-44 8″ B&W

1978 Hitachi I-44 8" TV B&W RF only 10.5"W x 11"H x 10"D