Inter Video provides 24 frame video playback equipment, operators and technical setdressing rentals.

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1 818 843 3624 Internet Sales
1 866 204 0340
4361 Valley Blvd Los Angeles 90032 Loading Dock #13, south facing side of ReadySpaces building.


Q: I need to take pictures of a TV… How is that being done these days, where is the entrance?

A: Yes we are around to help. Call first, wear a facemask. Come to our lobby, 1919 Vineburn Ave Los Angeles, CA 90032, sign in with the ipad in the lobby on the east side of the ReadySpaces building and we will let you in.

Q: Where Do we pickup?

A: Yes we did move in jan 2019. Come to 4316 Valley Bl, Los Angeles, CA 90032. We are in the ReadySpaces Building on the south side, park near dock #13.

Q: What is needed to rent:

A: 2 things: Certificate of insurance with “Inter Video” as additionally named loss payee and Credit card authorization. The form is found here:

Q: Can you send me a W9?

A: Found here:

Q: Where can I find the rental contract / terms and conditions?

A: Found here:

Q: What is the charge for using a credit card?

A: Currently the charge is 4.5% , this is what the credit card processor charges us.

Q: What payment forms don’t have any additional fees from Inter Video?

A: Cash , Cashiers Check , Check , Wire Transfer ( may have a fee as large as $45 from the bank, and is not deducted from the amount due. )

Q: Do you have a loading dock?

A: Do we! Standard height loading dock, we also have a ramp for loading small vehicles, forklift available.


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