IBM 9519-AG1 18″ ATLANTA LOCATION ONLY 18.13″w x 18.75″h x 9″ 30 Frame only VGA IBM 9519-AG1 18″ LCD Computer Monitor Related Post Ambio 37″ LCD PROP NON WORKING PROP 37" Ambio Prop LCD 37"W x 26.25"H x 10"D (w/ base) 37"W … Gefen Scalers Gefen scalers are the best choice when a format change and resolution and or frame… ACER H236HL 23″ LCD 2017 ACER H236HL 23" LCD 20.9"W x 15.9"H x 6.8"D 8 lbs 1920 x 1080… Sony SDM-N50 15″ -- NO LONGER AVAILABLE -- 2000 14.16"w x 14"h x 7.25"d 5 lbs 30 Frame… Sharp 13LM16 13″ PROP PROP NON WORKING TELEVISION Sharp 13LM16 13" CRT Television 1985 17.17"w x 12.5"h x 15"d… intervideo 13 years ago