Samsung 52 inch PROP NON WORKING PROP hollow Prop Samsung 52″ Related Post Barco SCM2840 25″ Monitor Barco SCM2840 25" Monitor 23.5"W x 18.5"H x 17.5"D 90 lbs Composite video BNC Card Signer Super PADII 10″ Super PADII Android Tablet 10" 1.95:1 ratio The most generic tablet possible. it's silver on… Lenovo N100 15.1″ Lenovo N100 15.1" 16x9 Widescreen LCD Laptop Black 1280x800 VGA, S-video output 4X USB 2.0… Vintage VHS VCRs 3 Vintage VHS VCR units. Will light up, accept and eject tape. NO play, rew,… intervideo 11 years ago Categories: LCD TELEVISION PROPSTVs NON Working Prop